Building Students Beyond the Classroom


enterprise subscriptions range from $45 to $120 per STUDENT annually, depending on the features YOUR INSTITUTION SelectS. HERE ARE five OTHER frequently asked question. CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO CONTACTS US FOR MORE INFORMATION.

1. how do students interact with their virtual personal coach?

Our virtual coach is called AMI because it Adapts its Motivational Interaction. It learns what motivates each individual and adjusts to the level of the learner. Students at every level a skill by doing it (Learn-by-Doing) with feedback from a coach. Students click “Got It!” when they believe they have mastered a skill, then select a new skill to master. They build their SkillSet Resume, continuing to practice skills they have already mastered.

When using the app is optional, it’s similar to an optional outside-of-class activity. Consistent Users are often the students who show the most potential. They work with their personal coach regularly to master skills, chat or even vent frustrations. Occasional User work with their personal coach if they have some specific habit they want to acquire.

When the app is a required part of a program, students are expected and encouraged to master high-value skills from the pre-defined SkillSets: Personal Excellence, Customer Relations, Leadership, and Healthy Living. Whether the app is optional or required, students easily learn the habit of checking in with their coach, especially when students can share their experience with “buddies” or a group that is also using the tool.

2. cAN a personal coach IMPROVE student ATTENDANCE, ACHIEVEMENT, and engagement?

Yes. PerfectCoaches was created to help students build habits that improve attendance and contribute to achievement by practicing them in daily life. The app encourages engagement, and students check-in as often as they like with their Personal Coach who helps them stay mindful of the skills they are trying to learn.

Because coaches interact virtually and somewhat anonymously with students, they have a unique opportunity to identify the struggles that keep students from completing their education. By reinforcing habits like “Do your to-do list,” “Always be punctual,” and “Engage your brain,” their personal coach focuses students on fundamental skills that create success for the student as well as the institution.

3. how does a virtual personal coach supplement other resources?

In schools and universities, the amount of mentorship and adult interaction that a student receives influences success. The student’s personal coach becomes another voice emphasizing the important of education. The virtual coach can be the AI-powered AMI, a person such as a teacher or guidance counsellor, or some combination of the two.

PerfectCoaches enables a school to communicate daily with each student by updating information in the Learning Portal that comes with the app. AMI can also function as a 24x7 suggestion box for a university or an entire school system. Interacting with their coach, they can suggest improvements by simply saying “What if?” at the beginning of a journal entry.

4. CAN AMI really coach a school or university?

Yes. A good coach will show you things, bring information. You learn. Although each conversation between a student and their personal coach is confidential, when data is aggregated (maintaining individual confidentiality), AMI gives leaders a treasure trove of information on the student body. The Self-Awareness Snapshot has every student’s answer to the questions “Who am I?” and “Where am I going?” Journal entries are a window into everyday challenges and concerns. When students begin their journal entry with the words “What if” they identify improvement opportunities. Journal entries beginning with “I am concerned,” alert leadership to the threat of gun violence, sexual harassment, bullying, and other problems. The data AMI receives, when aggregated and analyzed, can be a new voice on the leadership team.

5. are virtual coaching and learn-by-doing proven methods?

Yes. PerfectCoaches has been extensively tested and used by paying customers. More than four thousand individuals and five customer organizations have worked with a virtual personal coach. Hundreds have clicked “Got it!” after learning a new skill by doing it with feedback from their virtual personal coach.